6 ungewöhnliche Kanaltouren, wenn das Normale nicht ausreicht

Blog 6 unusual canal tours in Amsterdam

Amsterdam’s waterways are pretty extraordinary. At the same time, sometimes extraordinary isn’t enough. Once in a while, you don’t only want chocolate sprinkles and whipped cream on your 12 scoops of tropical flavored ice cream. You also need a cherry on top. To help you with that, we drew up a list of a few […]

Was würden Sie tun, wenn Sie Ihre Schlüssel in den Kanal fallen lassen würden?

Blog what would you do keys in the canal

The canals are a great addition to our city. They’re beautiful, serve as a free skating rink (about once every ten years) and give the city real character. At the same time, there are a few downsides. The bridges turn from picturesque photo opportunities into death traps when it snows. (Though admittedly, that also creates […]

Höhepunkte der Amsterdamer Grachten: Das Musikboot

Blog about the Music boat

The lilting sound of a trumpet echoing out over the water shakes passersby from their reverie. Distant looks give way to wonder. Tourists and locals alike stray from their intentions and drift over to the water’s edge to discover what kind of happening they’ve stumbled upon today. “Magic,” they mumble when they see what’s on […]

Welche Tiere leben in den niederländischen Grachten?

Blog What animals live in the canals

Sure, the Dutch waterways are artificial and look as appetising as the trash can at a diaper-changing station, but a surprisingly large range of animals live there. That’s for two reasons: One, though they are entirely manmade (person made?) they’ve been around long enough that many animals have adapted to living there. It’s comparable to […]

7+ Fantastische Orte zum Schwimmen in natürlichem Wasser in Amsterdam

Blog 7 fantastic places to swim in the water

Wow, is the weather nice! And like always, the Dutch are just soaking it up. Sick days have soared, businesses are closed and terraces are so packed it took us 40 minutes just to find a table yesterday. Even better, as it has been hot for a while now, the water temperature is getting to […]

Was man im winterlichen Amsterdam unternehmen kann

Blog what to do in wintery Amsterdam

There is a good reason people say you shouldn’t visit Amsterdam in winter. That’s because, though people might imagine it’s a wintery wonderland, it’s nothing of the kind. Instead, for most of the time, the temperature stubbornly hovers just above zero while wind, rain and sleet make life miserable. (And no, we very rarely get […]

Wie Amsterdam sich vor dem Wasser schützt

Blog how amsterdam protects itself against the water

Water. It has been Amsterdam’s lifeblood ’s since the city’s inception. In truth, the canals were a truly revolutionary technology when they were built; allowing the city to move goods by water instead of horse and cart and through that become one of the world’s greatest trading cities. And yes, the word ‘technology’ is certainly […]

5 faszinierende Fakten über die niederländischen Grachten

5 Fascinating Facts about the Amsterdam canals

Oh, the Amsterdam canals! They sure are picturesque, aren’t they? So much so, that if all the mood shots, selfies, and panoramas taken from the city’s bridges were printed out and piled up together they’d weigh more than some of those bridges! But the waterways are so much more than just a pretty picture. There […]

Wie ist es, auf einem Hausboot in Amsterdam zu leben?

Blog live on a houseboat

In Amsterdam, you can’t miss the houseboats. They’re everywhere; including nearly every picturesque photo you’ll ever take in Amsterdam! Picture of sunset over a canal? Houseboat. Selfie on the skinny bridge? Houseboat. Anna Frank museum? Houseboat. Yes, that’s right. Her book is set on one! Bet you didn’t know that! Okay, largely because it isn’t […]